Devlog #001

Welcome to the Devlog! 

Well this is long overdue! Considering that I started using Unity back in December 2018,  this is the first official Devlog of 'Journey to Andelo'. Thank you for joining in on this adventure with me! I really appreciate it! 


I am primarily a self taught 3D modeller (using blender and recently zBrush), in terms of my strongest skill, however, this is something I left behind at college to pursue a dream of becoming an Entrepreneur.  What this decision left me was a bubbling cauldron of self developed skills (Business Development, product development, Marketing/PR ect.) alongside skills I continued to develop since college (although rather sporadically)  in Art/3D & 2D Design. It's only recently, having stumbled across the Unity Game Engine by chance, that I have discovered (rather embarrassingly that it has come so late) is that video game development demands everything that I enjoy (Business & Design). 

Diving back in to the industry I left behind, as a way of making up for lost time and as I always do with new projects, I have steamrolled through the development process. 

The Journey of Journey to Andelo

Journey to Andelo started with a prototype for an 'Infinite runner' game in December 2018. However, I soon realised that doing a mobile game, especially my first game, would quickly become drowned out by the inordinate amount of other Apps. So I decided to jump headlong, as is my skill and my curse, into making an RPG. 

This has been progressing fast and I have to admit I am learning at an astonishing rate, even in coding (an area I never thought I would be proficient in and the main reason I never picked up game design). This has primarily been through amazing YoutTube tutorials and scouring the Unity Forum posts (Im sorry stack Exchange you are too vile a place for newcomers to get any useful information). 

Now in February 2018 I have the building blocks of what is, hopefully, going to be an amazing adventure! 

What is Journey to Andelo 

[Note: the story might and probably will change as the game Develops] Journey to Andelo is set far, far in the future where the world is completely flooded, save for a few patches of highly contested land, and little remains of the civilisations that held sway.  Technology from these ancient times was so advanced that in the world of Andelo, they appear magical. One such piece of old Technology finds its way into the hands of our protagonist, a young mouse eager for an adventure, and gives him the ability to reverse time and store kinetic Energy. What transpires next takes our young adventurer through the perilous seas, mysterious floating mega atolls and the much fought over 'Earth' islands, to discover what happened to the world and where this technology has come from. 

What we have so far

The following is a brief list of what we have so far:

  • Inventory system, with picking up items and equipping them. 
  • Rigged main character. 
  • Reverse Time Mechanic
  • Kenetic Energy Mechanic 
  • Water System (floating objects & water shaders)

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